Soul & Spirit
Soul & Spirit is a prominent characteristic of our school culture at Ahliyyah & Mutran. It is embodied in the relationships among members of the school, which stem from love, compassion, passion for knowledge, and making meaning to serve humanity.
These relationships are governed by a set of agreed-upon values we carry, such as empathy, openness, humaneness, dedication, and commitment. They are also facilitated by systems and policies that serve our work and dealings in a dynamic and flexible manner.
Soul & Spirit is the energy we all carry, but each of us expresses it in a unique manner; in its collective form, Soul & Spirit is at the core of our beliefs and values and emits positive energy that unites, attracts, and creates synergy. A culture of spirit and soul drives our school community to go beyond traditional schooling to enable and empower the young generation to design the future they seek.
Our Mission
We strive to provide our students with a quality education that empowers them with knowledge and, therefore, choice. We create a safe environment and aspire to equip our students with the skills and tools to be lifelong learners, knowledge creators, innovators, responsible and productive citizens, reflective, critical and creative thinkers who embrace the values of love, empathy, oneness, and respect. Strongly rooted in their Arab identity and cultural heritage, our students are open to engaging with the world for the service of life in its entirety.
Our Vision
We aspire to remain a vista of exploration and wonderment; a home of love and hope; and pledge to protect our humane values that have shaped our educational philosophy and stance. We stand strong on the shoulders of all those who came before us and, guided by the cumulative wisdom gleaned from this center of learning, we march towards the future fully equipped to appreciate and protect the earth with all its generosity, beauty, perfection, and glory. Striving to become a beacon for holistic education, we pledge to employ our knowledge, skills and existence for the service of goodness and the betterment of life in order to create a world of abundance, peace and safety for all.