Sowing the Seeds

of our Future

Ahliyyah & Mutran's High School

The IB Diploma Program (DP) is an exciting two-year educational curriculum that equips students aged 16 – 19 with the tools, skills, and information necessary to succeed in and throughout university, thriving as creative problem solvers and lifelong independent thinkers. Students study subjects from an extensive range of choices spanning six content areas, guaranteeing a unique comprehensiveness in each subject, while linking their learning to application and engaging in a student-centered style of teaching, especially while completing the required core components of the program. We have been an IBDP authorized school since March 2001.

The IB Career-related Program (IBCP) combines academically challenging courses from the IBDP with practical, real-world career-related learning to enable CP (Career- Related Program) students, aged 16 – 19, to become confident, career-ready learners with the ability to manage and influence change with communication, personal, and academic skills necessary to succeed in a rapidly changing world. We have been a CP authorized school since March 2016.